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By September 24, 2024 No Comments
More than 1500 farmers in Endo ward received high value iron and zinc rich bean seeds.
The beans, which have fast maturity, will help uplift the livelihoods and combat malnutrition in the area.
The distribution exercise was led by CECs Edwin seronei, (Agriculture) and Edwin Kibor (Education).
Mr. Seroney said iron deficiency is a major challenge in our community. “This is a sustainable intervention because the beans can be grown by our smallholder farmers readily available to smallholder farming households.There is also a vibrant post-harvest market for these nutritious beans, which provides a livelihood boost to farmers,”he said.
The program funded through the Emergency Locust Response Program (ELRP) is intended to combat malnutrition and change the livelihood of the people in the area.

The officers later visited that family of Mr. Rennison Changkwony to condole with them following the demise of their father Mzee Changwony Kuriarem (Lobebe) of Kasige Village, Koibirir Location.

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