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Cooperatives Campaign taking shape in various Wards.

By July 5, 2024 No Comments
Today the movement received positive response from Moiben- Kuserwo and Lelan Wards.
In meetings held in Chebulbai and Bungwet, (Moiben-Kuserwo) Labot and Kimnai (Lelan Ward), residents termed the move timely and agreed to join cooperatives in a bid to make savings and benefit from loans.
Edwin Kisang, a boda boda operator at Kimnai said the sector was in danger of closing shop owing to what he termed as exorbitant charges by private financial lending institutions.
“We pay for our bodabodas daily. At times when you sit down to calculate, it shocks that the cost rises to almost half a million because of the high interest rates,” he said.
CEC Robert Kangogo said the county would negotiate with lenders for better rates but reminded them that this was only possible through cooperatives.
Chief Officer cooperatives Elizabeth Korir led the team flagged by Commissioner Milgo, Sub-County and and Ward Cooperative Officers termed cooperative movement as a liberator to farmers.
“Cooperatives can negotiate for better prices of produce on behalf of the farmers. I urge you all to join cooperatives,” she said at Bungwet.
Present were Director Cooperatives Philip Seroney, and other staff from the department.
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