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Marking World Breastfeeding Week

By August 7, 2024 No Comments
The County government today joined the global community in celebrating World Breastfeeding Day, a day dedicated to highlighting the incredible benefits of breastfeeding.
The theme for this year was “Closing the gap, Breastfeeding support for all, underscoring the need for inclusive support systems to ensure that all mothers have access to the necessary resources for successful breastfeeding”.
The event held at Iten County Referral Hospital ICRH was graced by Deputy County Commissioner (Keiyo South) Diana Wekesa.
According to the administrator breastfeeding was not just a natural act, but a powerful way to guarantee the health and well-being of children.
Chief officer Promotive and preventive Health Ms Caroline Magut challenged Health stakeholders to champion raising awareness and providing the necessary resources to ensure every mother was empowered with a view to ensuring every child is given the best start in life.
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