Since 2013, the County has implemented over 400 water projects significantly reducing the travel distance by our residents to water points. This has been done this through pipelines, masonry tanks, boreholes, water pans and dams.
“Some of the successful water projects we have implemented so far include Emsoo, Singore-Kapkore, Kapsowar, Kilos, Tirich, Tot, Mukurkoin, Ainabyat water projects and Kipsaina and Kaptubei boreholes among others,” said CEC Abraham Barsosio.
As part of systems strengthening and the desire for project sustainability, the County through the support of World Vision, managed to train 45 water project management committees.
Through the formation of the Cherangany Marakwet Water and Sanitation Company Limited (Chemawasco) and with the ongoing implementation of a Ksh 14 million County flagship project, water supply will greatly improve in Kapsowar and Kapcherop towns.
The implementation of the Ksh 2 billion Sabor water project and continued pipeline extension has increased the number of water users and in turn improved their living standards.
The County, with support the Belgian Embassy through which the Sabor project was funded, will establish a dam in Sabor to increase water supply which has been intermittent in the recent past. Plans are also underway to establish a dam at Yokot to further supplement the provision of water in Iten and its environs.
Establishment of multi-million Kimanich-Kapsowar-Chesoi water project in Kapsowar and Sambirir wards is ongoing and already, preliminary designs, resettlement action plan and the tender documents prepared and shared with stakeholders.
“The project is one of the major projects prioritized by the Lake Victoria North Water Services Board with clear indication of fundraising for the same. Once implemented water issues in the two wards shall be fixed,” said Barsosio.
Other water projects have been implemented and will also benefit neighbouring counties. They include Murkukoin water project which serves people in Chebiemit Centre and Kapsiliot settlement scheme.
“Others are Mosongo water project which is a cross border project between Elgeyo Marakwet, Uasin Gishu and Trans Nzoia counties. Already, Ksh 9.5 million has been allocated to this project by our County in the 2018/19 financial year for the first phase. The other project is conservation of Kapterit river catchment between our County and West Pokot,” added the CEC.
In planning our County, the spatial planning of Iten town was concluded whereas plans for Kamwosor, Arror, Soko Bora, Chesoi and Flax townships is ongoing. We are also fast tracking land registration and currently several areas of our County including Tuturung, Chepkum, Changach and Kobulwo areas have already been declared adjudicated. Adjudication of Chesoi, Kaptum, Emsea and Seko areas is nearing completion.
In environmental management and protection, the County has promoted bamboo propagation to conserve wetlands, water catchment areas and escarpments. A total of 6,000 bamboo seedlings were planted in Emsoo dam, Kaptalamwa and Sabor river catchments and there was a survival rate of over 75 percent.
The County also rehabilitated landslide prone areas in Embobut by planting 45,867 trees and 3,850 bamboo seedlings in 9.625 hectares of water catchment areas in Anin, Rimoi, Kapchebau Girls, Lelan Sawi and Ainobyat.
An estimated 1.1 million assorted tree seedlings have been planted on farmlands in the County since the start of devolution. In efforts to further protect our environment we enacted the Charcoal burning law to control this hazardous human practice.
Through support from the World Bank, the County further trained 35 staff in Environmental Impact Assessment as a step towards actualizing the Environmental Management and Coordination Act of 1999 in our County.