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Governor deploys staff

By October 24, 2022 No Comments

Governor Wisley Rotich has re-deployed 20 Co-operative Officers to the Wards to bolster cooperative movement in the County.

The Governor said the move was also aimed at enhancing service delivery and the same time keeping his campaign promise. “I have today ordered the re-deployment of Co-operative Officers to the Wards.

The officers will be stationed at the Ward offices. They are expected to train the public on cooperative matters and help enlist more people.

“It is from here where our farmers can access the anticipated Hustlers Fund and benefit from other national, county and national programs.” said the Governor when he addressed the press at his office, “the officers are also expected to revive all dormant and non performing cooperatives in the county.”

He said this was part of his agenda to strengthen cooperative movement in the county as well as actualising his Huduma Mashinani program.

Three auditors were also posted to the cooperative department.

The Huduma Mashinani program, the governor plans to decentralise services where officers from all departments are posted to the sub county and ward offices in an aim to take services near to the public.

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