Community based groups engaged in Tree planting in Elgeyo Marakwet county have received over 12 million certified seeds donated by World Vision.
The seeds procured from the Kenya Forestry Research Institute KEFRI by International Centre for Research in Agro-forestry ICRAF, is expected to boost forest Cover in the County.
The beneficiary groups include: Korou from (Embobut-Embolot Ward) and Chebukus from (Sambirir).
Others include Torokwa, Tiwo, Kipturere, Kapsergon, Techgaa and Nyaliil amongst others drawn from 18 out of the 20 Electoral Wards in the county save for Endo and Arror which did not have a representation.
Speaking in Hotel Sirikwa on Thursday during a meeting organized by World Vision, Elgeyo Marakwet Deputy Governor Wesley Rotich said establishment of Tree Nurseries in the grassroots has been a key milestone in boosting forest cover.
“There is always a significant difference in a place that is a host to a tree Nursery establishment,” said Rotich.
He urged Tree farmers to market their products online to enhance their market, since tree planting has a huge employment potential.
World Vision official Brian Wambua said the agency projects in Elgeyo Marakwet has been successful undertaking.
“Planting trees would solve landslides challenges as well as offering medicinal products among other environmental benefits,” said Wambua.
The project is running in 7 other Counties in Kenya and Elgeyo Marakwet is one of them.
Mr Abraham Barsosio CEC Environment said the seedlings which comprise both exotic and indigenous will be ready for planting by May 2021.
The meeting graced by the County Commissioner Dr Ahmed Omar was also attended by Members of County Assembly John Tanui, (Soy South) and John Lochaa (Endo).
This follows the recent launch of County Implementation Committee on 10% forest cover directed by HE. President Uhuru Kenyatta which was subsequently presided over in Elgeyo Marakwet by Sports Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed and Ministry of Environment Principal Secretary Dr. Chris Kiptoo.
The Committee will be co-chaired by HE. Governor Alex Tolgos and Dr Omar.
Representatives from KEFRI, Kenya Forest Service KFS, Kenya Water Towers Agency were also in attendance.