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County to plant 60M trees

By February 2, 2023 No Comments

Elgeyo Marakwet County government will spearhead the planting of 60 million tree seedlings this year in an effort towards implementation of Presidential national target of planting 5 Billion trees in the next Five years.

According to Governor Wisely Rotich, the County government will provide the seedlings to Wananchi free of charge and will also facilitate transportation to the grassroots.

In a Speech read on his behalf by Deputy Governor Prof Grace Cheserek at Sing’ore grounds during the marking of World Wetlands Day, the Governor challenged the locals to heed the clarion call.

The governor noted that although Elgeyo Marakwet is the second county in Kenya with the highest forest cover, there is need to increase the cover further.

He said:” So far, we have restored 43.5 hectares of wetlands which include Kaptalamwa wetland, Kipchumwa in Embobut, Emsoo Dam in Torok amongst others,”

The occasion whose theme is “Wetland restoration” was celebrated near the Sing’ore Dam where Prof. Cheserek led the participants in a tree planting exercise along the edges of the water body.

Elgeyo Marakwet Deputy County Commissioner DCC Julius Maiyo said the county has a duty to plant trees in line with the directive.

“We have already directed our members of Provincial Administration to ensure the directive is observed once the rains begin this year,” said Maiyo.

Every student joining Form One will will tasked to plant a tree and this will boost our target, said the administrator

Elgeyo Marakwet County National Environmental Management Authority NEMA County director Mr Stephen Kimutu applauded the Sing’ore community for their conservation efforts.

He challenged the local farmers to observe NEMA guidelines on eucalyptus planting.

The event was also attended by Members of County Assembly MCAs Stephen Cheruiyot (Kapchemutwa), Joshua Kipruto,(Kapsowar), representatives from the Kenya Red Cross Society, Nature Kenya, World Vision Kenya, Kenya Forest Service, KFS, Community based Organizations, Environmental champions and the host community.

It was also attended by County Secretary Paul Chemmuttut, Water and Climate Change CECM Jason Lagat and his Sports and Gender Counterpart Ms Purity Koima among other County and National government officials.

Members of the Teaching fraternity and students from Iten Kenya Medical Training College KMTC, Kapkong’a and Sing’ore schools were also present.

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