Current News

County to Develop a Project Management System

By March 18, 2019 No Comments

Governor Alex Tolgos hosted a team from Charlie Goldsmith Associates, a UK company which has been contracted by GIZ, Kenya to develop a Projects Management Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting system for our county.

Governor Alex Tolgos hosted a team from Charlie Goldsmith Associates, a UK company which has been contracted by GIZ, Kenya to develop a Projects Management Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting system for our county.

Led by Mr. Thomas Hunter, the team is currently developing the system which upon completion, citizens will be able to monitor status of projects with a click of a button.

The features will include an interactive feedback link, abilities to upload project pictures by citizens themselves, abilities to download Bills of Quantities (BoQs) for all projects, abilities to generate reports as informed by need amongst other features.

Mr. Hunter promised to apply his Company’s vast international experience in developing a system whose features will be relevant for decision making and enhanced governance processes in the county.

Governor Tolgos thanked Charlie Goldsmith Associates and GIZ for actualizing our desire of making our citizens more informed.

They will also be able to give feedback on the system that will supplement other forms which include the current hotline number 0704220220.

Since 2013, Elgeyo Marakwet county has made commendable strides in achieving transparency through public participation, planning and budgetary processes.

However last year, with our interaction with global Open Government Partnership (OGP) procurement processes and projects management practices were identified as areas that still needed to be addressed.

In the 2017 OGP Action Plan, Elgeyo Marakwet county committed to address these challenges by developing a management system which would enable citizens and relevant interest groups including development partners to monitor progress of all projects being implemented. They would also give feedback in a bid to enhance timely completion of projects and with acceptable workmanships and accountability mechanisms.

GIZ Kenya which has been working with the county since 2015 engaged Charlie Goldsmith Associates of UK to actualise the program on behalf of the County. GIZ. This comes as a result of the county’s ability to work together with communities, Civil Society organisations and development partners leading to enhanced integrity and accountability.

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